Past Events

These are the Past Events

1.In 1990s regular activities were taking place in Fairfax Mansions. Dr L.M. Singhvi, past High Commissioner of India was always taking part in our society’s

Functions. Dr Singhvi was a follower of Sri Aurobindo. Most functions started with meditations then devotional songs followed by prosad.

2. In 1992 breakfast meeting at Dr Singhvi’s residence with Gopal Bhatterjee and Indra Sethia.

3.Dharson Day at Hampstead Town Hall with our members where Jay Khandke was speaking

4. In July 1997 Gopal Bhatterjee speaking at Indian High Commission

5. April 1991 Gopal Bhatterjee spoke at Cambridge University where Sri Aurobindo studied.

6.11 September 2011, 25th Anniversary of the Society was celebrated at Members Lounge Harrow Council where Mrinal Choudhury attended as the Mayor of Harrow.

7. In 1987 celebration Sri Aurobindo Society function at Conway Hall, London WC1

8. In 1993 Sri Aurobindo function at Nehru Centre with Prof U.King, Mr Martin Littlewood and Dr L.M. Singhvi.

9. Sri Aurobindo birthday event photos on August 2018